Mom to three sassy felines 🐱🐱🐱 and always seeking the thrill of learning new things ✨
Holopin badges & Evolving badges are unique, stickable badges that are issued by organizations.
Holobytes are micro-rewards for completing small tasks. Learn more
holobyte@thecatlady earned a holobyte from @elena for reporting a broken URL in Holopin docsholobyte
holobyte@thecatlady earned a holobyte from Holopin for location #3 in #HolobyteHuntholobyte
holobyte@thecatlady earned a holobyte from Holopin for location #2 in #HolobyteHuntholobyte
holobyte@thecatlady earned a holobyte from Holopin for location #5 in #HolobyteHuntholobyte
holobyte@thecatlady earned a holobyte from Holopin for location #1 in #HolobyteHuntholobyte